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Friday 14 March 2025
  Video Captioning

Amara Universal Subtitles : caption [subtitle] and translate any video
Amara Universal Subtitles : caption [subtitle] and translate any video
Amara gives individuals, communities, and larger organizations the power to overcome accessibility and language barriers for online video.
The tools are free and open source and make the work of subtitling and translating video simpler, more appealing, and, most of all, more collaborative.
The easiest way to caption and translate any video.
The most powerful and flexible subtitling platform in the world.

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Google+ Hangouts Get Closed Captioning, Transcripts
Google+ Hangouts Get Closed Captioning, Transcripts
You can read a transcript of what’s going on in a Google+ Hangout in real-time — Closed Captioning, essentially — thanks to a new app released called Hangout Captions.
The app provides a transcript of a Hangout that can be read by those who are deaf or have trouble hearing, allowing them to participate in the conversation as well.
You’ll only be able to see a transcription in the Hangout Captions side panel when someone in the Hangout is providing the transcription; either through live stenography (CART or palantype) or by simply typing into the app. Live transcription isn’t automatic.
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Don't Leave Me Out! (English Subtitles)
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YouTube Captions and Subtitles
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YouTube Launches Auto-Captioning for Videos
YouTube Launches Auto-Captioning for Videos (March 2010)
Auto-captioning launched in limited beta in November 2009. It was for select partners to test out the system, where Google’s algorithms would parse words within videos and transform it into captions — speech-to-text, a technology used on he Nexus One and Android.
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HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
YouTube has a global audience, so if you want to reach as many people as possible, you’ll have to make sure subtitles are available for your videos. You’ll want closed captioning to reach the deaf and hard of hearing, too. Thankfully, that process has shifted from relatively easy to an absolute breeze.
Here’s how to make it happen.
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MovCaptioner for Mac
MovCaptioner for Mac
Helps Mac users create captions and transcripts of their videos in many formats, including SCC (line 21), QT Text, Flash, YouTube, STL, SAMI, and others that can either be used on the Web or imported into video and DVD programs to output closed captions.
All upgrades are free .. Web site has tutorial videos to get you up and running quickly.
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Videos with Subtitles
Videos with Subtitles ... examples of websites using subtitles.
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YouTube Can Now Create Captions Automatically
YouTube Can Now Create Captions Automatically
Now, YouTube can automatically assign captions to video using speech recognition. Moreover, video publishers can now upload a transcript for their videos, which further helps the site add accurate captioning. You can translate these captions into multiple languages too when watching videos.
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Automatic captions in YouTube
Automatic captions in YouTube
Since we first announced captions in Google Video and YouTube, we've introduced multiple caption tracks, improved search functionality and even automatic translation. Each of these features has had great personal significance to me, not only because I helped to design them, but also because I'm deaf. Today, I'm in Washington, D.C. to announce what I consider the most important and exciting milestone yet: machine-generated automatic captions.
We've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short.
Check out this Instructional Video
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Annotations: Write Messages Over YouTube Videos
Annotations: Write Silly Messages All Over YouTube Videos
Google Operating System has dug up a YouTube feature called annotations, which enables you to write text messages inside the actual video, Flickr Flickr style.
The difference, however, is that you can only add annotations to the videos you uploaded.
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Subtitle Workshop
Subtitle Workshop is a complete, efficient and convenient freeware subtitle editing tool.
It supports all the subtitle formats you need and has all the features you would want from a subtitle editing program. Subtitle Workshop makes subtitle creating/editing/converting tasks almost a pleasure, the amicable and intuitive interface mixes easy to access menus & must have features with advanced functions and a remarkable speed and stability, drastically reducing subtitle editing time.
It includes spell check function and an advanced video preview feature which will ease the task even more.
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YouTube Video Annotations
YouTube Video Annotations
Video Annotations are a new way for you to add interactive commentary to your videos!
Use them to:
* Add background information about the video.
* Create stories with multiple possibilities (viewers click to choose the next scene)
* Link to related YouTube videos, channels, or search results from within a video
* All of the above!
You control what the annotations say, where they appear on the video, and when they appear and disappear.
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Accessibility - Web Video Captioning Technologies
Accessibility - Web Video Captioning Technologies
Companies, individuals, federal agencies, and organizations that put video on the web have absolutely no excuse for not making their videos accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. The options available for adding captions or subtitles to web video have sharply increased.
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dotSUB .... add subtitles and close captions to online video, easily.
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